Most Frequent Questions Over Property Ownining in Turkey

• Can I buy a property in Turkey using my company outside Turkey?
Yes, a foreign investor can buy a property in Turkey in the name of his company in his country if there is a mutual agreement between the country in which his company is located and Turkey.
• Why properties in Turkey considered cheap despite its features and services?
Because of the facilities provided by the Turkish government to foreign investors, taxes were reduced and some of them were also canceled.
• What are the current taxes imposed on property owners in Turkey?
State property , the environment and wealth taxes. But the value of these taxes is relatively small.

• Is it possible to buy a property in Turkey with financing from an Islamic bank outside Turkey?
Yes, it is possible. After obtaining the full amount, you can transfer it to the seller's account.
• Is a foreigner entitled to own more than one property in Turkey?
Yes, he has the right to own more than one property, so that the total areas of real estate registered in his name do not exceed 2.5 hectares.
• Does foreign ownership of real estate in Turkey last for life, or is there a specific one, such as some countries that end ownership after 99 years?
Ownership in Turkey is permanent , so that a foreigner can bequeath his property to his family by registering the heirs’ file in the province in which the property is located.
• How can I make an agency for anyone in Turkey?
The person concerned goes to the notary public in Turkey and requests the work of an agency in the presence of a sworn translator approved by the notary. As for outside Turkey, it is sufficient to translate the agency and attest it from the Turkish embassy in the country of the person concerned.


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