• 18 Jun 2021
  • First Publish (not set)
  • Turkey
  • 2745
Rental Contracts Terms in Turkey

Turkeydar Real Estate Company explains the most important terms, details and conditions of Rental contracts in Turkey.

In order for the rental contract in Turkey to be valid, it must contain several items and information, which are:

Personal information of the landlord and tenant

The rental price of the property: here the amount to be paid and when it must be paid and also the method of payment in addition to the percentage of rent increase each year.

Tenancy Contract Term: Determining the start and end date of the contract

Insurance: The tenant is obliged to pay a sum of money that is considered as insurance for the property in the event that it suffers any damage during the rental period. The cases in which the insurance amount is the right of the landlord must be mentioned. The security deposit is usually equal to one month's rent, and this amount remains with the real estate broker.

Financial dues on the property: where the landlord must ensure that he is responsible for these dues

Additional entitlements: they must be mentioned in the contract as well, as these entitlements are owed to the tenant and are instead of cleaning services and service facilities.

Signing at the end of the contract

Terms of the lease contract in Turkey:

First, the landlord must attend in person to sign the lease contract, or another person on his behalf, such as his attorney, along with the title deed that proves his ownership of the property.

The financial dues must be clearly stated and written in the contract, specifying the method of payment of these dues.

There should be an interpreter with the tenant to explain all the terms of the contract to him.

After signing the contract by the landlord and tenant, the contract must be ratified at the notar at a price of 100-150 Turkish liras to be paid by the tenant.


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