• 10 Jun 2021
  • First Publish (not set)
  • Turkey
  • 3251
Demands Increase Over Turkish Scholarship

Turkish government announced starting of registration for the 2020 Turkish scholarship, February 20, 2020 deadline. 

Turkish government funds this scholarship program for foreign students, as it has gained a good reputation among international students, looking for opportunities for high education at all academic levels or Turkish language and culture learning opportunities.

The Turkish Scholarships Program is designed specially for international students and researchers, as it provides them with comprehensive services. Moreover, the scholarship provides the benefits of university education as part of the scholarship application.
In an interview with the Daily Sabah newspaper, Abdullah Arin, president of the Foundation for Turks Abroad and Related Societies (YTB) , said that students ’interest in the Turkish scholarship are increasing every year.
“In 2012, the Turkish scholarship program received 42,000 applications, while last year the number of students reached a record 146,000 applications from 167 different countries. Turkey also aims to set a new record this year" he added. 
The Foundation offers about 5,000 scholarships annually, including a full-time bachelor’s degree , master’s and PHD , as well as short-term programs such as research grants, language and culture programs, in addition to a wide range of services and programs covered by the scholarship.
Areen highlighted that "the scholarship program is comprehensive that covers the cost of tuition fees, monthly salary, accommodation, health expenses, tickets, and a one-year Turkish language course for all students, and thus it is one of the most comprehensive programs in the world."
The scholarship program is based on merit, as not only academic level of the candidates, but also additional extra-curricular and other qualifications. The scholarship provides all admitted students with free training courses for one year in Turkish language, regardless of their program and academic background, during which students get an opportunity to learn the Turkish culture with a variety of trips and programs offered in their first year.
One of the most important goals of the program is to strengthen Turkey's relationships with other countries in fields of higher education and culture, so that foreign students become part of a large family that includes 16 thousand students from the current scholarship, and 170 thousand international students in Turkey, after graduation, students join the alumni network in Turkey, Which includes nearly 150 thousand graduates from more than 156 countries.
The Turkish scholarship also provides a inclusive educational experience that includes activities in arts, culture, history, social and sports activities, and training programs, as it also provides an opportunity to learn and communicate with academics, institutions and organizations, also it provides academic advisory services throughout the study period.



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