Ziraat Bank is a state bank in Turkey, which has several branches in many Arab countries such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and others. Ziraat Bank was usurious bank, but when the Turkish government noticed the increasing demand in Arab investment investors for a strong account supported by Turkey , In accordance with the principles of Islamic legislation, the Turkish government, on May 14, 2015, opened a branch of Ziraat Bank, called the "Ziraat Participatory Bank".
Ziraat Partnership Bank provide the same services of Kuwait Turk Bank and Al Baraka Bank services. As for opening an individual or commercial account procedures, as other Islamic banks:
Requested documents for a single account:
A passport with a validity of more than sixty days.
Residency, as “The validity period of the account for non-residency holders is only 6 months"
Students add student form
As for the trading account:
A commercial registration document for the company
The passport of company’s owner
A financial summary document for the company
A guarantee letter if there is possibility to loan.