• 28 Apr 2021
  • First Publish (not set)
  • Turkey
  • 2319
Why Turkey Tops the List of Destinations For Algerian Tourists

Algeria is one of the main Arab countries in term of visiting Turkey, as dozens of Algerians of different categories, whether businessmen, investors or families, visit Turkey annually for various reasons .
Algerian tourists often prefer Istanbul and Antalya, for shopping and visiting historical sites, and other purposes.

The spokesman of the Algerian Syndicate , Elias Senussi, told Tourism Agencies that Turkey has a s tourism strategy, that offers competitive prices that suit middle-income people. "reasonable prices, abundance and diversity of tourist areas, and cultural factors in Turkey push Algerians to choose a preferred destination for tourism." he added. 

Sanussi spotted that, "The offers of the Turkish hotels and the discounts in flights are suitable for the purchasing power and the individual income of the Algerian," noting that two people with average financial income can go to Turkey for a week or ten days with a reasonable budget.

"Senussi" also explained that the most popular destinations for Algerians in Turkey: Istanbul and Antalya, with their beautiful coastline.



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