• 17 Mar 2021
  • First Publish 05 Nov 2016
  • Turkey
  • 3474
General information about Turkey

General Information about Turkey

Official name: Republic of Turkey

Political Capital: Ankara.

Economic capital: Istanbul

System of governance in the country: parliamentary democracy.

Population: 76 million inhabitants.

Manpower: up to 26 million people.

Official language: Turkish language.

Spoken foreign languages: Arabic, English, Russian and German

Area: 783 million square meters.

Time zone: GMT +2.

Border countries: Syria and Iraq to the south, Iran and Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to the east, Bulgaria and Greece to the west, Russia and Ukraine to the north.

Turkey's largest and most important cities:

Istanbul: European Capital of Culture in 2010 a population of 14.16 million people in 2013.

Ankara has been selected for the capital of Europe in 2010, with a population of 5 million people.

Antalya: The number of tourists who entered in 2013 about 8 million people

The total number of tourists in Turkey during 2013 amounted to 30 million tourists

International appeal: 0090.

Official Currency: Turkish Lira TL.

Economic and commercial center: Istanbul.

GDP for 2013: up to 2 trillion Turkish lira up to any $ 900 billion.

Per capita GDP in 2013: 40 thousand Turkish lira equivalent to 18 thousand dollars.



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