• 17 Mar 2021
  • First Publish 17 Oct 2016
  • Turkey
  • 2338
Why go to Antalya

Why go to Antalya
Talking here about tourism in Turkey, Antalya enjoys a share important among Turkish cities and Iqbal privileged. This beautiful city pilgrimage destination 10 million means that one-third of the tourists who come to Turkey whole and this number sizeable. Alert the Arabs finally to the importance and beauty of the city after it was trips to Istanbul and Aigno features of Antalya in the lack of congestion and purity of the air and the ease of transportation and communication and cheap services and the beauty of the beaches and the monuments and tourist above all Axtoaúha on the number of doctors prominent in various sciences that Astkdmth specially hospitals investment to convert Activity Antalya tourism activity Alahi tourist purposefully and under the guidance of the Turkish government as well. for the airport, he has won the award for best airport in 2012 in terms of continuous service and bumper derived trips to and from Antalya

Factors that have contributed to an increase trend for real estate investment in Turkey
Turkey may have reached a bit late to the party, foreign investment in real estate, but it looks today in a stronger position than many of the traditional real estate markets. Which is filled with a lot of advantages to foreign investors, such as cheap prices, to its existence outside the euro zone
The picturesque south coast, which has the warmth and sunshine 300 days a year.
Since Turkey has opened the door of foreign investment in the property without restriction in the past year, the expansion of this sector in the double digits. .
But last year saw the entry of new investors intense from the Middle East, contributed to raise real estate prices rose significantly. The income of these to the market in recent months immediately amend the law that opened the door of the Turkish real estate investment both foreign alike, unconditional reciprocity.
Until recently, the purchase of foreign real estate is restricted much of the Turkish legal and military obstacles, despite the fact that under Turkish law, since 1935, gives foreigners the right to buy real estate and land. As of May 2012, this was the right unconditional principle of reciprocity, states that give citizens the right to buy Turkish property which gets its citizens the right to buy property in Turkey.
But this requirement was abolished by law in the land register of the third of May 2012, which opened the prospects for real estate investment for foreigners in Turkey, absolutely, with the elimination of the requirement of reciprocity for the intervention of Turkey so attractive to the ranks of real estate investment strongly.
The result was the launch price of the property during the last year the Turkish levels unknown in most other markets, reached in the last 12 months and until the month of May this year, the proportion of 12.2 per cent. Since the central bank began compiling statistics in Turkish real estate prices in 2010, not least the annual rate of increase in property prices of 10 per cent. This is despite the relative decline in economic performance in the Turkish real estate over the last year.

According to statistics of the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning that there are 14 thousand and 600 foreign investor in the Turkish real estate, among them bought 13.5 thousand Turkish drug in the last year until the month of May 2013., And on top of foreign investors comes Arabs.
Average prices are still living in Turkey is less than Europe by about 40 per cent, allowing standards of living better and more and more welfare.



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